Saturday, March 2, 2013

Unfortunate Accident

Yesterday, I stood rather I should say I sat here in the face of the computer trying to come up with the right words to say at a moment like this. A moment that every family faces at some time or another, the tragedy of a loved one passing away. It may be due to sickness or accident, either way or another its a difficult time for the family and friends of the person. We must remain strong and have faith that this happen for a reason and not think negatively; we know that at some point we will have to go that's why I think it's always live life the fullest. We do not know when it's going to be our last. I speak to this because a tragedy struck at Cal Poly Pomona on Thursday, a fellow Hermano Ivan Aguilar was hit by a car while riding his bike and unfortunately he passed away. I am sadden of his passing, [I say passing instead of death because I know he is not really dead, he still alive in the hearts of those who were close to them as well as his family]; he was called upon to God's glory that's all what I want to say. Even though I didn't have the pleasure in meeting him; I could tell that he was one of those guys that could have been a great friend. I want to send all my prayers to him and his family and friends. This might be the hardest thing they are facing and I want to send them all my unconditional support. His memory will remain in the hearts of those who knew him, think about the happy times, don’t let this passing be a sad one, just think, Ivan would have not want anyone to be sadden by his passing but a great one, he had fortunate to meet all the wonderful people in his life and thanks god for letting him to experience that. I know this a difficult time for Ivan’s family as well many of HU & HaU families, but we must remember what would he want us to do at this time? I not only speak of Ivan's situation but many families as well, each day somewhere out there accidents happen like this. Some are fortunate to live and others do not. We must pray for all the families, and all friends that have gone through this situation and help them heal.

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