Wednesday, March 27, 2013


There is not one day that I sit in front of the computer and immediately start working on my work unless I'm procrastinating, which is most of the time. I usually on social media sites such as Facebook or twitter or even in blogger, writing my nonsense. I just got here from La Raza Resource Center, literally I was falling asleep so I decided to walk out and come down here knowing that at least I was going to get some things done. But yet, I still find myself distracted with my writing. I probably should dedicate my rest of life in writing but nah! I look at the time in the corner of the screen it says 5:22pm and I think to myself I have an hour or so to work on what I came here to do but yet I just want to keep on writing my thoughts, my ideas, my feelings even though I promised my self that I wasn't going to talk about anymore but in general anything that I see or I have an opinion but to afraid to speak out.

The purpose of this blog is just to express my ideas or anything that I have in my mind; just to let out some steam and hopefully people read it. Yes, I do write for the purpose for people to read it but my blog isn't that great so eh. But mainly this blog is for me, to make me aware about my life and everything around it. Daily my postings have been about my own life, that's great and all but I feel I'm not capturing the essence of my writing. I want to speak about the world, the community, the injustices and violence; but it seems like people now in days get the news from media sites such as Facebook and Twitter. But hey, I'm trying... and even if it takes time away from what really counts my education. Essentially I want to become a person who changes the community, one day...

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