Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Just Live Life...

Not sure how to describe this amazing feeling of life; it's like my life got restored again. Living life to the fullest now; I've learn something important these last few days, YOLO (You only live once) and indeed that is true. At first didn't believe in it but now I do. I have this amazing spirit in me and I just hope that it doesn't go away. I just don't care anymore, or anyone. I just want to live and experience new things. I just want to jump up and down and to other places. Seize the moment, do what you want, don't think about it. Over thinking is just bad, just go for it, if you want to have sex with a random just for it, what's stopping you. hahaha . No more worries, no more thinking, no more anything but just go with it. That sounds like fun huh? I wish my life was so simple, just doing whatever the fuck we want without any complications. Since my adventure in VEGAS this weekend, my perspective of life has changed and has made to proclaim my new motto in life, no more this or that but living it to the fullest. I just don’t give a shit what people say anymore. I’m tired of this; I’m that bitch that who gives a shit what people tell her. I want to walk around campus with a smile in my face and not worry what the other person is thinking. Just smile and greet the people I come across in my path. No need to complicate things further. I’m tired of letting my emotions getting the best of me. I can’t let them control of me and I’m not, not anymore. I will never get anywhere if I keep letting them control me. Ya no. S*** I’m fucken’ tired of this bull shit.

Peace Out! 

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