Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Today's Class

Interesting conversation in class today, we talked about is it easy to create a movement or is it even possible to create a movement? Or if so, do you think students will be up for it? I was engage through the teacher's comments but as well as my fellow colleagues but until the discussion got intense and that's where I got mad. Some comments, what's the point of the resource centers for each culture, why segregate, if we all the same resources available to us? I understood that aspect but as I felt that person should understand yes, it's true but there are some students who come to campus for the first time lost and don't where to go. The cultural resource centers are a way for them to get familiar with the system even perhaps to be more connected to their culture, what's the harm in that? Anyways, it's the students choice to use the resource center or not, we, the community, want that option to be available for them.  I feel angered but yet accepting the fact everything said was true. I feel that eagerness to change how Latinos are treated in this campus. I mean its true, that we all should be united as one but people should understand as Latinos we tend to have that need to help people well for me that this. By helping, not only the Latino community, or the campus community but for everyone that I'll be working after college. Studying and learning about my culture taking this classes has made me aware me more the issues occurring in my community and it happens to be important for me. And no, I'm not ignoring the other cultures but it would be nice if we could incorporate others in our struggle. The struggle to see our community grow, have more people of our ethnicity making their lives better. How will we achieve this if we don't offer them a safe space of belonging, maybe perhaps it may bring segregation but we should also foster in networking with others in our campus. We should balance, so we could develop people who aren't only secluded from their culture but nor from the rest of the community. 

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