Friday, February 8, 2013

Chillin' Friday Night

What a day! Rain, Sun and Hale on the same day that's crazy. Was mother nature trying to tell us something? I think so, and the temperatures aren't going to get to better. What am I doing here on a Friday night you may ask? No Plans? Not exactly, I had plans to go out tonight to chill with my fellow Hermanas but then I started thinking about if I'm okay to go back to that life. If I'm okay with myself to deal with the drinking and fun that I once had. It's not that I don't want to go back but its that there's something bothering me right now and I feel like I shouldn't take it out at the party. I don't want to go in with it and be the reason that I drink. I want to drink because I want to have fun and not to waste myself. At least now I'm getting better to control when and when not to drink. Anyways I had my fun last Wednesday with my closest friends Stephanie and Hannali. Maybe next time... there's always the semester party to look out.

Blurrr.... damn this cold weather I don't know if I could handle this one more day. Luckily I'm finding a solution to this, a hot chocolate while watching an old favorite TV show Thats 70s show. Oh I missed this show so much. Trying to get comfy here, hey what better way I could spend my Friday Night. :)

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