Wednesday, December 31, 2014

New Year's Eve 2014

Bye 2014 
I cannot believe we're just hours away for a new year. I'm here sitting in my room, thinking; thinking about how blessed that I've been this year. Our lord, Jesus Christ, has allowed me and family to live another year and I'm thankful. Perhaps 2014, was not my year for achieving what I thought I would have but I know that this upcoming 2015 will be. I might have been delaying it, so I blame myself but not allowing myself to succeed. I'm afraid, you see and I should not be; it's true what people say, the world is a scary place. I need to take a risk and go out there and show the world what I'm made of. Perhaps it may be scary at first but I know I will learn. 2014 has been great for me, allowing me to experience a lot of new things.

  • La Raza's Winter Retreat in Chula Vista 
  • My "24th" Birthday, my sister bought me tickets to see Prince Royce. 
  • Got Tickets to iHeart Radio Fiesta Latina
    • I got to see Ricky Martin, Daddy Yankee, Jesse y Joy and Prince Royce
  • Went on a cruise to Ensenada with my friends
  • Saw Taylor Swift on Jimmy Kimmel Live (Doesn't count cuz, I actually didn't see her but I was there.)
Wonderful memories that I will cherish. Even though that things didn't work out between Jesus, I'm grateful that he walked back into my life and being able to let him go. Now, I am free and happy to do what I want without carrying my past. 2014 chapter is closing in a couple of hours before I begin the year right and I hope that this year I can make the right decisions in both my personal and professional life. This afternoon, my sister and I walked to Ralph's that is approximately the other side of town and we walked we talked about 2014 and things were proud and the things were are ashamed of. Then I brought up the whole how today ends another book of our lives and how tomorrow starts a new one. For example. for me it would be Margarita's Life Volume XXVI and for my sister would be Nancy's Life Volume XX

I'm glad that the year is over but I'm also scared about what this upcoming year will bring. I'm terrified actually. I've spent all day thinking about new year's resolutions but it's harder than I thought. I hope by tomorrow I have a set clear of my goals. 

However, there is one thing that I do want to share about 2014 and I think it's important to focus on 2015. One whole year has passed since I graduated from CSULB and you know what happens when one doesn't do anything in that year, they lose themselves and that's what happen to me. I lost the sight of person who I was in college. I lost the engagement I had for my community, my passionate and determination to get things done. 2014, I've been blinded with useless ideas and "hobbies" that I forgot. In 2015, I will get her back and finally get where I want to be.

Bye 2014. I will miss you...

Margarita's Last Post of the Year, 2014

Signing off, Margarita H.

P.S. I'm moving to another blog next year.

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