Tuesday, December 9, 2014

New Location

LYNWOOD, CA-   Today I report from the city of
Getting inspired
Lynwood in a little coffee shop called Starbucks.

This morning I woke up with full energy and  I couldn't let this energy go to waste. Just kidding that's not the reason that I'm here. Today I decided to do something different in my routine and due to certain circumstances I had to leave my home to fix some issues that I'm having. So, I took this like an excellent opportunity to come to Starbucks to enhance my writing skills. I always wanted to sit down in a coffee shop and study but unfortunately I never got the chance to do when I was in college. So, now I have the chance to do so except for the studying part. Instead of studying, I've decided to write, and so far I've been productive.

Every writer moves from location to location in hopes to find their inspiration for their writing and I am not the exception. Perhaps, I'm not a writer, per se but I do consider myself as writer in the making. Like a writer, just give me a cup of coffee and some music I'm ready to work. I've been here for almost two hours and I have been truly inspired by the people who walk in the shop. I actually feel like a writer, I have my laptop, along with my cup of coffee (that got cold) and my music. I might make this a weekly habit. The location is not the only thing new that I tried, I also decided to order something that I never tried. I ordered a Grande Caramel Macchiato, something that my sister suggested so took her word for it and I'm glad that I did. It was delicious.

One thing that I've noticed since my arrival to the shop is the people. It's interesting to see the variety of people who walk in the door. I noticed some walking in and out while others stay in and enjoy their drink with their friends.  However there is something interesting that I never expected to see. I don't know if you may know but Starbucks offers free Wi-fi at their coffee shop and what I've noticed is how people approach the shop only to use the service. In other words, not buying a drink but to use the wi-fi. I mean, literally standing by the door, can you make it more obvious? I've seen at least 5 people using the free service.


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