Monday, December 8, 2014

Alexander Mora Venancio

Alexander Mora

This past Sunday the family of Alexander Mora, one of the 43 students who went missing on September 26 received the confirmation of his death. Nearly 2 months after the students were kidnapped by the police, people at the forensic department have identified pieces of human remains found in a local trash dump. The Mexican officials have identified him to be Alexander Mora Venancio. After months of tormented and distressed about his disappearance one family can finally begin to heal. While other parents still refused to believe that their children are dead, despite the fact that the people who were responsible of the killing had confessed to the crime. Many families are still in hopes that they children are still alive and will be found soon.

One boy can rest in peace, while the others are still missing, will there be hope in finding the others or will it be a lost cause?

#justice #42stillmissing #mexico #prayformexico 

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