Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Bye November, Hello to December

Bye November, Hello December.  Another month passed us by and yet I have not found my path through life. I have slip an entire year with no leads to what direction should my life be headed but I'm blessed to have lived it.

December is not only about receiving gifts, waiting for the new year or spending time with our loved ones, but a time of waiting. Waiting for the birth of Jesus Christ. All year I have been blessed to have gained a relationship with God. Even though it's not a perfect relationship because there are still things to sort out but I have literally taken upon myself to gain his trust again. This month of December is a time of waiting for hope and peace. The birth of Jesus Christ is a very special day in the Catholic community, it's the rejoice in the world. I also think that his birth we wait for HOPE.

I know in the last couple of months have not been for families and communities around the world. War and consent violence in their countries and corruption in their own government. This is why this December I want pray for peace and for answers for these families and communities. We should not feared of something that is suppose to protect us. We need justice and peace in the communities of these people. #Ferguson #Mexico

December is the last chapter of 2014 and we should make it a special one.

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