Monday, November 3, 2014

The Weekend

It's Monday, again. The start of a new week is always difficult for some people; for them, the weekend is a form of freedom from work or school. When Monday strolls back, they are either happy or not returning back to their normality. I mean, they are allowed to have fun during the week too but the weekend allows you to do other things that you can't do during the week such as, going to Disneyland, going shopping, etc. You are still able to do these things if you have a day off but I hope you get my point. The weekend for some people is to release stress from school and/or work, to be free and have fun with their friends and love ones.

I recalled those many times that I tended to be stress out with essays and exams, that after the madness of stressing out, I decided to go out with my friends clubbing. The feeling of just dancing around made me feel at peace, I was letting out the energy of test on the dance floor. Those were the days, I mean I don't miss stressing out or anything but I do miss learning though.

And there are people who take the weekend to rest and recharged themselves for the week. I would like to think that the type of people, are those who work, especially teachers who have to prep themselves for the upcoming week. I know for a fact that prepping a lesson plan takes a lot of work because my mom is a teacher and I see her every Sunday night getting her materials ready for Monday. I know when I start working I will take my weekend to careful plan my week and for sure squeeze in some fun time too.

Monday is here and is planning to stay. The only thing we can do is make a productive day out of it.

#4moredaysfortheweekend #it'sjustmonday

MH <3

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