Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Our Vote Counts

It's November 4th, it's General Elections day, to be more specific it's called midterm elections.It's that time of year again; the time to go to the polls and vote on various propositions and/or elected government officials. I know this year's elections aren't about electing a new president but that doesn't mean we should not go out and vote. Our votes still stand for something, our voice in the community. I know many people don't believe in the voting process and think it's ridiculous to think that our vote counts. Believe it or not, I think that our vote counts. Our votes express our opinions and concerns about the issues that are taking place in our state. People might be thinking, "why should I bother if it's only state issues?"  If we really want to see some change in our community, even the smallest change, we must do something about it such as voting.

The issues may not always seem interesting, such as Prop 1, the drought issue in California, but issues such as that one, are the ones that we should care about and vote about a decision that they may or may not affect our state. If people only come out to vote when it's national election, what does that say about our community, in the Latino and Black community? Where are those people who were the national election in November 2012? As I remember back then, I had to wait for almost an hour in line to vote, and  know there is hardly a line. Just because it's midterms elections and there is no presidential candidate for the running, doesn't mean that you don't get to vote. In the contrary these elections are crucial because due to the low turn out rate in the polls, a decision will be made and people may not be in favor in. 

Not all people who want to vote can vote, so it's important for us who are citizens to use our right to make our voice heard. 

I just voted, have you?
This year, just like times before I went to vote by myself, neither my sister and my mother bother to go vote. There reasons were that they had no time to bother reading the propositions and due to lack of information they could not vote. I understand, one cannot vote just because they want to but they need to know what they are voting to. It's better to be educated with the matters in hand instead of just guessing. 

To be honest, I was a bit unsure about my votes that I had chosen prior to my arrival to the polling place. I looked over at my sample ballet, which I already had mark my votes. I was all set to vote and as I placed my marks, I stumbled upon two different votes that I got stuck on. At the end I completely voted for something else, let's hope it was for the better otherwise I will feel bad. 

Everyone has their reason for not voting. I understand each individual has their own viewpoint of the voting process and if they believe in it or not. 

Not all people who want to vote can vote, so it's important for us who are citizens to use our right to make our voice heard.

#vote #elections2014  #letourvoicebeheard

MH <3

***Results just came in and I'm not liking them not one bit. 

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