Sunday, November 2, 2014

Taylor Swift's 1989

Ever since Taylor Swift's new album, 1989, launched on Monday I have not stop listening to it. I'm serious; to be honest, I was not expecting to like it because I was more fond of her earlier work but now I that I had the chance to listen to the whole album more than 5 times, I must say that I absolutely love it. If I had to choose one song, it would be a difficult choice because I like them all. No, I'm serious, especially Blank Spaces, Out of the Woods and of course Shake it off.  Taylor Swift has really done herself this time, after her last album I was a bit concern about her emergence to the Pop genre. But my concerns and worries are put to rest because her emergence to the Pop genre was genius. I'm satisfied with her new album and look forward to her next album.

#taylorswift #1989

MH <3

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