Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Netherlands vs. Mexico

Carlos Vela (11) & Javier "Chicharito" Hernandez (14)
Friendly or Revenge?
After their last encounter in the 2014's World Cup in Brazil this past June, today Mexico decided to give it all to get revenge on what was stolen from them. As you may or may not recall, the official from the game had called a penalty on a play that was clearly not one. Right before the so call penalty, the game had been tied (1-1), the game would have gone to extra time. However, due to the penalty Netherlands won the game not allowing Mexico to fight for their chance to advance.

This game was not only a great importance because of the so-call "revenge" from Mexico to Netherlands but also to welcome back Carlos Vela back to the team. Within the first 8 minutes of the game, Carlos Vela, the "prodigy son" scored and gave Mexico the lead. It was simply amazing to see him play again, I don't recall the last time that I saw him play; it was more amazing to see him play along with El Chicharito. The first half ended, Mexico was in the lead with the goal from Vela. As soon as the second half started, a goal from Netherlands was made. However, the scored turned around when two goals were made from Vela in minutes 61 and Chicharito in minute 69. The score was 3-1 at that point. It was to soon to celebrate Mexico's victory. Netherlands made their second goal. Here is a clip of goals:

The game ended with the score of 3-2 in favor of Mexico. Not only the goals from Carlos Vela and Javier "Chicarito" Hernandez helped but also Mexico's defense helped Mexico maintain Netherlands from scoring.

Carlos Vela made his return to the team a remarkable one by scoring two goals. Will we see more him in the games? I hope so.

#Mexico #You Got Served

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Our Vote Counts

It's November 4th, it's General Elections day, to be more specific it's called midterm elections.It's that time of year again; the time to go to the polls and vote on various propositions and/or elected government officials. I know this year's elections aren't about electing a new president but that doesn't mean we should not go out and vote. Our votes still stand for something, our voice in the community. I know many people don't believe in the voting process and think it's ridiculous to think that our vote counts. Believe it or not, I think that our vote counts. Our votes express our opinions and concerns about the issues that are taking place in our state. People might be thinking, "why should I bother if it's only state issues?"  If we really want to see some change in our community, even the smallest change, we must do something about it such as voting.

The issues may not always seem interesting, such as Prop 1, the drought issue in California, but issues such as that one, are the ones that we should care about and vote about a decision that they may or may not affect our state. If people only come out to vote when it's national election, what does that say about our community, in the Latino and Black community? Where are those people who were the national election in November 2012? As I remember back then, I had to wait for almost an hour in line to vote, and  know there is hardly a line. Just because it's midterms elections and there is no presidential candidate for the running, doesn't mean that you don't get to vote. In the contrary these elections are crucial because due to the low turn out rate in the polls, a decision will be made and people may not be in favor in. 

Not all people who want to vote can vote, so it's important for us who are citizens to use our right to make our voice heard. 

I just voted, have you?
This year, just like times before I went to vote by myself, neither my sister and my mother bother to go vote. There reasons were that they had no time to bother reading the propositions and due to lack of information they could not vote. I understand, one cannot vote just because they want to but they need to know what they are voting to. It's better to be educated with the matters in hand instead of just guessing. 

To be honest, I was a bit unsure about my votes that I had chosen prior to my arrival to the polling place. I looked over at my sample ballet, which I already had mark my votes. I was all set to vote and as I placed my marks, I stumbled upon two different votes that I got stuck on. At the end I completely voted for something else, let's hope it was for the better otherwise I will feel bad. 

Everyone has their reason for not voting. I understand each individual has their own viewpoint of the voting process and if they believe in it or not. 

Not all people who want to vote can vote, so it's important for us who are citizens to use our right to make our voice heard.

#vote #elections2014  #letourvoicebeheard

MH <3

***Results just came in and I'm not liking them not one bit. 

Monday, November 3, 2014


Believe me, I don't like to over complicate my life but I just wish I knew what my guy friends are thinking when they talk to me. Sometimes I doubt myself if any of them are truly my friends, I have been thinking about this for a while now ever since my last encounter with a particular person. How do they really see me? Do you see me for who I am, a human being or just a pass time, something they hold on to until something better comes along. I know I'm doing in thinking this way but based my prior experience with guys I came up with this conclusion. I have been wanting to discuss this matter but been afraid to. All my life I have been occupied with guys/ boys instead of focusing what really matters, myself. Anyhow, back to the topic about my guy friends. I feel like I give this vibe like I'm interested in having a Friends with Benefits situation, which I'm not. Knowing what they want I still continue to talk to them in hoping it will go away, but soon after another one appears, like the appear out of thin air. Creepy. I keep talking to him, thinking that there is still hope in them and realize what they are asking from me is wrong.

 The thing about me is that I always see good in people, even people who might take advantage of my friendly attributes. I wish I could think clearly about what I really want, if I really want to be place in the position of the sidelines, like last time. I'm over the whole Friends with Benefits concept, first of all it doesn't exist and second of all I'm not that type of girl who allows herself to be treated like that. I'm a traditional young women who grew up in a society that allows such behavior to exist. I wish I could be more like my friends who are more free to do what they want but I can't, I didn't grow up that way. I cannot live freely, I have my own values that I live by and cannot go against them. Even though I had a phase in which I didn't care about anything, in a past where I didn't know myself and GOD. A little by little I got closer to GOD and think about what is actually going on with my life and the lifestyle I have been living has not been a great one.

Now, I'm conflicted. My life has been full of conflicts between two worlds, one stands my culture roots and values and other side the society and it's influences. I should not conflicted if I know I have GOD within me.

#conflict  #whoamIreally? #lifeisaquestionmark

The Weekend

It's Monday, again. The start of a new week is always difficult for some people; for them, the weekend is a form of freedom from work or school. When Monday strolls back, they are either happy or not returning back to their normality. I mean, they are allowed to have fun during the week too but the weekend allows you to do other things that you can't do during the week such as, going to Disneyland, going shopping, etc. You are still able to do these things if you have a day off but I hope you get my point. The weekend for some people is to release stress from school and/or work, to be free and have fun with their friends and love ones.

I recalled those many times that I tended to be stress out with essays and exams, that after the madness of stressing out, I decided to go out with my friends clubbing. The feeling of just dancing around made me feel at peace, I was letting out the energy of test on the dance floor. Those were the days, I mean I don't miss stressing out or anything but I do miss learning though.

And there are people who take the weekend to rest and recharged themselves for the week. I would like to think that the type of people, are those who work, especially teachers who have to prep themselves for the upcoming week. I know for a fact that prepping a lesson plan takes a lot of work because my mom is a teacher and I see her every Sunday night getting her materials ready for Monday. I know when I start working I will take my weekend to careful plan my week and for sure squeeze in some fun time too.

Monday is here and is planning to stay. The only thing we can do is make a productive day out of it.

#4moredaysfortheweekend #it'sjustmonday

MH <3

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Taylor Swift's 1989

Ever since Taylor Swift's new album, 1989, launched on Monday I have not stop listening to it. I'm serious; to be honest, I was not expecting to like it because I was more fond of her earlier work but now I that I had the chance to listen to the whole album more than 5 times, I must say that I absolutely love it. If I had to choose one song, it would be a difficult choice because I like them all. No, I'm serious, especially Blank Spaces, Out of the Woods and of course Shake it off.  Taylor Swift has really done herself this time, after her last album I was a bit concern about her emergence to the Pop genre. But my concerns and worries are put to rest because her emergence to the Pop genre was genius. I'm satisfied with her new album and look forward to her next album.

#taylorswift #1989

MH <3

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Progress Report

I never thought I had the will power to maintain a diet, especially for four months, I feel like I have accomplished something important. Even though I have not reached the ideal weight that I wanted to be at this point but I’m satisfied with the weight I have lost. Currently I’m between 150 and 155, my scale is a little off scale sometimes and I cannot confide in it but I’m sure that I’m between those numbers. I know the scale does not define me and I should not give a lot of importance of the number but for my healthy weight purposes I will allow it. In the last few months I have been trying to slim down the junk food such as chips, candy and soda however, I’ve had my little temptations but hey I’m allow to eat whatever I want but with caution. I’m more aware about my eating habits when I’m at home, I eat in portions and I eat when I’m hungry and not because I’m bored or emotional. In the past week, actually two weeks, I have been a little unstable with my working out times; in the last two weeks I have not been working out on Thursday and Friday. It’s mainly on the circumstances such as yesterday was Halloween and I didn’t want to get my costume sweaty. I know excuses, will only do me harm than good. I need to be more firm with myself, I cannot let myself fall, not now that I’ve made so much progress. I hope that by the end of the year I could get at least to 140 and that will be a great accomplish. 

#healthyme #140hereicome

MH <3