Tuesday, February 4, 2014


I have been hesitant in writing again, not because I don't have words to say but having a difficult time in expressing myself. Each time I open a new post my fingers begin to shake and I close the window down. For some reason this morning I got up and decided to write again. A friend once told me in order for me to get better at something I must practice and practice and through time I will get better. I have taken upon myself to follow his advice I will write once a day to get my writing skills better. I cannot improve if I don't practice. The time away from school has taught me a lot about myself and life itself. Each day will be a new chance for me to improve myself. It's difficult for me to move on from a place which had become a second home for years. How can I remove myself from a community that I felt safe, happy and knowledgeable. Through each class that I took over the years I learned a little bit more about myself and the person who I want to become. I may be timid, shy, quiet or whatever word you want to describe me but my passion is beyond anyone else's. I need a sign. A sign in which direction I must take. I have been thinking about moving away from California but I think it's a bit drastic or is it? I don't know. That's my answer to every question I ask myself. It's the truth. I cannot hide it.

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