Thursday, February 6, 2014


Each time I open a new post I hear myself engaging a conversation with the world. I feel that I'm able to let out all my frustrations, worries and emptiness to the world. I sit here in the empty house where I live in and think what about everything. I think about the drought in California, the immigration reform, the violence in Mexico, the education system, among other issues occurring around the nation. My mind is full of interesting thoughts and nobody to share them until now. I will take my blogging skills and I will write about anything that fascinates me. I know in the past I have written pure drama and nonsense but now I have decided to write more about other issues instead. I want to express myself in ways that I have never done before, either by poem, by song or simply by a couple of words. Writing has never been so difficult until now, it took me literally the whole day to finish this post. In writing, especially in my blogs I want to be precise of the words that I use. Hopefully with time I'll get better at this.

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