Friday, February 21, 2014

Where life takes you...

2014. February 7
There is a point in life that you realize that you're no longer that same girl who you once were. Either she's far gone nowhere to be seen or just hidden beneath your inner self, either way you are no longer the same. This girl on the right is the person who I grew up to be, not the shy and quiet girl but the strong and fearless woman. I might of had a rough start but I have manage to get where I am today. It doesn't matter how you start what's important is that you finish.

2007. June 14
I cannot believe where life took me, after all the bad experiences I went through I'm glad that I'm here today. It's strange how time flies so quickly. Not to long ago, this girl on the left, my high school self, use to be me. As I think about the memories, i think about how much hurt I was carrying me within the four years in high school. No wonder I did what I did, and no wonder I didn't maintain close relationships with my high school friends. I just wish I had a guide in surviving high school, I wish had someone to walk me though my feelings and anxieties. But things work out for the best, in a way, maybe the way I wanted but I'm here now, a college grad.

As I reflect back, I think about the decisions I've made and I think about what type of person I've become. It's true what people say about it takes time to get over someone or get over a memory. It took me a while to overcome my struggles and my insecurities. And through each experience and each decision, I learned more about myself and life in general and sometimes it takes several tries to get it right.

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