Saturday, October 26, 2013

Another Saturday Nightt at Home

When I woke up this morning I knew this day was going to be great, going to buy a cute costume and then later waiting to be picked up by the guy that I have been crushing and going to a halloween party that my friends organized. But as you can see here, I'm here at home writing this blog rather than at the party that is because in the last minute he told me he couldn't make it. It has been more than two months that I haven't seen him and I was excited when he told me that he was going and then finding out he wasn't coming, my heart broke a bit. You have no idea how it feels to get all excited to see them and then finding out that it's not gonna happen. I really wanted to see him tonight. The worst thing that he didn't even give me any reason why he cancelled. I would have understood it if something came up but nothing, ni una palabra me dio. What am I suppose think? Seriously, the guy is perfect perhaps at first I was a bit confused because this was a huge step and I wasn't so sure about starting a new relationship. But now having had time to think about it, I realize that he's the guy. I know I am always in his situation with H and E but with him its different., he makes me feel safe, happy, comfort... when I see his eyes, I just know. I don't know what to do. I guess sit and wait but wait for what? For him to decide when he's ready, maybe. Well I don't know when I'm never going to meet someone like him again.

I need advice. Please. Save me.

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