Monday, October 28, 2013

Another Opportunity

My Saturday night didn't turn out to be a total disaster after all. I thought that after what happen with that certain individual that my Saturday was ruin but I was wrong. Later that night, I had logged in the chatroom that I have been engaging in for a while, not hoping to hook up but I just needed someone to talk to and I did. Before logging off that night, there was a certain individual that caught my attention. Let's call him Ricky*, for his protection, his name is Ricky. Ricky is different individual compared to other people that I have encounter in this certain chatroom and what caught my attention is his matureness and his educated vocabulary. Something in him got me hook into him. We spent hours talking online as well texting. I usually don't give out my personal info but I decided to give him a try and good thing I did because since then we have been having an engaging conversation that I never thought I would ever have with anyone. Not even with that other individual who left me hanging. Not sure how I feel about this little arrangement, not sure if I should trust this guy, I mean, I'm memorized by his way of thinking and talking but one doesn't know who is behind the computer screen. Just to take precaution I will just go along with the conversation without giving too much detail about myself. I have given myself another opportunity with this new individual, not romantically but as a new friend. And see if I had made the right choice in talking to him. And for the other individual Edgar*, I don't know what I'm feeling right now, I mean was I looking forward in seeing him, yes but he blew it. Not sure if I should tell him about how I feel or just simply ignored it and move on with another guy. I'm really thinking about who my choices, I don't want to make another mistake again.

Lets see how this individual turns out to be. Maybe I could see my future with him, who knows? 

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