Monday, January 7, 2013

Day 7: Winter Break Time to Reflect

Through this long break I have thought about society and how it plays a part in our daily lives. I have not yet found that spark that I have searching for. I know what I want to do with my life but yet I feel that insecurity that I won’t get there. I know I need to break out from this shell, this shell that has been holding me back from everything. I have been through a lot these few years and I think to put all this anger towards what I want. Because of insecurity about everything, I tend to lose my path to what I want. So many distractions and disappointments that slow me down, it seems like I’m never going to get where I want to be. I know I may be putting negative thoughts, but hey it’s true and that’s life. And I know for a fact I will get there one day, I won’t lose hope. It may take forever but when I get there I’ll finally be happy. This winter break has made me think about everything in my life and has made me take drastic decisions.  Stay tune to see what they are.

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