Monday, January 28, 2013


I probably should be doing some homework now that I'm back in school, but I had to take the time to write. It may seem that I haven't been committed to this blog but I am truly committed to it, I'm just taken some time to think about what should my topics be about. There are a broad of topics I want to write about but it seems like I never get the chance to write about them because its either that I don't know that much about that topic or I don't have time. If it was up to me, I would dedicate my life into writing, yes writing. Perhaps, my grammar and punctuation maybe off but who cares. Writing is about freedom. Free from formal, in other words no need to worry about grammar and punctuation, why do we always have to follow the rules, why can't we just write what we feel without knowing if we used past tense or use a question mark instead of period. Why? Is the question I often ask myself when I see something wrong, when I see how people act in public, why do college students drink and party? What's the point in poisoning our liver? I'm not saying that I don't do it, I do and it's a bad habit. But why, what's the need to get buzzed? Why? Why do people act such jerks? Were they hurt before that's why they think its good to treat people like that. I just want answers to these questions, I want to know why to all these unanswered questions.

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