Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Day 1: A New Begining

As each year begins, I tend to sit down and take some time to myself and write about the upcoming year. I think about the new experiences, the new memories as well as the new hopes and dreams I have for myself. As the first day of 2013 is ending, I just want to say that 2012 was a great year and 2013 will be a better year and hopefully I could be a better person for my family but as well for the community. This year will be a big year for me, after 6 long years in Cal State Long Beach, I'll be graduating this upcoming Fall. As scary it may sound but it's the truth; the day that I have been avoiding will finally arrive. Not only I'll be graduating but my little sister Nancy will also be graduating from high school. :) This is a big year; I need to prepare myself for this big change. After 13+ years in school, I'll finally head out to the reality and live life. I don't know what to expect from this year, I hope good things because I'm tired of always being sad; I want to be happy for once. Let's see how this goes. :)

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