Thursday, January 31, 2013

A Revelation

This week that just has passed has allowed me to see the clear things about education, it has open my eyes to see why people aren't good writers, why we lack the sense of thinking critically and why we don't express our good ideas in words? I know I'm not a good writer compared to my peers but I never asked myself why until now? I knew it had to deal with the fact that I don't read much but according to Paulo Freire, we often lack of our writing skills because as one self don't get the opportunity to think critically about the text and write about it. Well that's not exactly how I think he tried to interpret it but it's along the lines of it. Not many read and write for pleasure, studying has always been burden to us he says, if it wasn't like that perhaps there might not be a problem. That's the problem, growing up we are taught reading and writing as two separate
items rather than a process. Wow, this is really astonishing to read about this and now that I know and reflect about my past experiences and understand why my writing has always been terrible. I'm not sure everything that I have been saying has been making sense but its interesting that I decided to write about something else than my life.

Monday, January 28, 2013


I probably should be doing some homework now that I'm back in school, but I had to take the time to write. It may seem that I haven't been committed to this blog but I am truly committed to it, I'm just taken some time to think about what should my topics be about. There are a broad of topics I want to write about but it seems like I never get the chance to write about them because its either that I don't know that much about that topic or I don't have time. If it was up to me, I would dedicate my life into writing, yes writing. Perhaps, my grammar and punctuation maybe off but who cares. Writing is about freedom. Free from formal, in other words no need to worry about grammar and punctuation, why do we always have to follow the rules, why can't we just write what we feel without knowing if we used past tense or use a question mark instead of period. Why? Is the question I often ask myself when I see something wrong, when I see how people act in public, why do college students drink and party? What's the point in poisoning our liver? I'm not saying that I don't do it, I do and it's a bad habit. But why, what's the need to get buzzed? Why? Why do people act such jerks? Were they hurt before that's why they think its good to treat people like that. I just want answers to these questions, I want to know why to all these unanswered questions.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Mind... trying to find myself

It seems like forever that I sat myself down and think thoroughly about what's happening around my surroundings.It's like my mind has been wondering around, searching for a purpose, a purpose for being who I am. These last few days I haven't truly been myself, it's like I'm not even here but somewhere far far from here. I thought that getting away from my house would solve everything but I guess not. On the contrary I think it's making it worst, it seems like the universe is trying to send me some kind of sign. I don't know why, but I know there is something in me that tells me that there's more to me than just a college student but I don't know what.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Day 7: Winter Break Time to Reflect

Through this long break I have thought about society and how it plays a part in our daily lives. I have not yet found that spark that I have searching for. I know what I want to do with my life but yet I feel that insecurity that I won’t get there. I know I need to break out from this shell, this shell that has been holding me back from everything. I have been through a lot these few years and I think to put all this anger towards what I want. Because of insecurity about everything, I tend to lose my path to what I want. So many distractions and disappointments that slow me down, it seems like I’m never going to get where I want to be. I know I may be putting negative thoughts, but hey it’s true and that’s life. And I know for a fact I will get there one day, I won’t lose hope. It may take forever but when I get there I’ll finally be happy. This winter break has made me think about everything in my life and has made me take drastic decisions.  Stay tune to see what they are.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Day 1: A New Begining

As each year begins, I tend to sit down and take some time to myself and write about the upcoming year. I think about the new experiences, the new memories as well as the new hopes and dreams I have for myself. As the first day of 2013 is ending, I just want to say that 2012 was a great year and 2013 will be a better year and hopefully I could be a better person for my family but as well for the community. This year will be a big year for me, after 6 long years in Cal State Long Beach, I'll be graduating this upcoming Fall. As scary it may sound but it's the truth; the day that I have been avoiding will finally arrive. Not only I'll be graduating but my little sister Nancy will also be graduating from high school. :) This is a big year; I need to prepare myself for this big change. After 13+ years in school, I'll finally head out to the reality and live life. I don't know what to expect from this year, I hope good things because I'm tired of always being sad; I want to be happy for once. Let's see how this goes. :)