Monday, November 4, 2013

Not sure where i am at

Not sure how I feel right at this moment... I'm scared and unsure about what I got myself into. A lot has happen since my last post and it needs to be told. Get this last Wednesday I received an unexpected visitor at school, it was Edgar*. I totally freaked, especially when he told me he wanted to see me. I was in the middle of working on my midterm, I received a call from him asking for my help and I can't say no to him. I know it was bad from my part by paying more attention to him than my midterm but i just had to. I wanted answers. Answers to why he had bailed on me. I walked rapidly to our spot and there he was sitting. He walked towards me and hug me. In that instance, I had forgotten what I was feeling (my anxieties from school) in that moment; as if his hug cure my feelings of stress. He grab my hand and sat me in his lap and ask me, how am I feeling? I smiled. In that moment all these feelings for him rushed back in my body, for a moment I felt like the world froze for a moment, like if time had stop. As if we were the only ones there and all of the sudden our lips touch. After that tender, sweet, soft, smooth kiss I glance at his gorgeous brown-hazel eyes and he told me he came to school so we would talk about us and how he wants to make things work between us. When he said those exactly those words, my whole body shaken with joy, because I cannot believe it. The reason I name my post not sure where i am at, even though we agreed that we would make this works has made me think about what's going to happen next. ???? Did I made the right choice? What about the other individual? Ricky*? Not sure where things are going? I really don't want to overwhelm myself with these thoughts but I just want to make sure I made the right choice.

I need a sign!!!! So confused. ?? I know I shouldn't be...  because finally I'm with the guy whom I have been dreaming about but I shouldn't be doubting. Please Help. 

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