Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Taking a Breather

Writing how one feels is hard. Thinking deep and reach down to the core of your soul and write how you feel is some hard stuff. This is has been a difficult process for me just because I don’t like sharing my feelings to anyone. But I realize that letting go of some of these emotions help me out relieve some stress and be more calm with myself. Sorry to bring this up but I guess I felt important to start of my blog post today. But right now, I'm mistakenly insane, with school (projects, essays, hours), while searching what I'm going to do with the rest of my life after December but also thinking about individual #1(Edgar*) and individual #2 (Ricky*). I just want to take time to write and write and let off some steam before getting back to non-stop working. 

Just breathe, Maggie. I tell myself when I feel I'm overwhelming myself with school.Sometimes it works and other times it takes a while. 

How am I doing? Is the BIG question. I don't know, I haven't stop and thought about it. I mean, yeah I'm doing well compared to other days, I'm keeping myself busy and not letting my thoughts kill me. That's good right? With school, I'm trying to take it day by day and try to do as much as I can before my lazy gene kicks in and surprisingly it hasn't so far. With the certain individuals, not sure yet and I don't think I have time to think thoroughly... 

Well lets see how the rest of the day turns out. 

F.Y.I I'm sick. yes again! :(

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