Thursday, May 1, 2014

May Day: Walk for Dreamers Rally CSULB

It was May Day at CSULB. Several organizations from campus such as Students for Quality Education (SQE), Future Underrepresented Educated Leaders (FUEL), La Raza Student Association, and Chican@/o Latin@/o Studies Student Association worked together to create a peaceful rally against CSULB administration for a Dream Resource Center for AB540 and undocumented students.
The students, community members as well as supporters met at the Speakers Platform (Front of the Bookstore) at noon. In the rally, there were several students who gave their testimonials as  undocumented students and why they are need of a dream center. After the students led a march to Brotman Hall where they voiced out their support for a Dream Resource Center on campus. The voices of the students to demand a Dream Resource Center for AB540 and undocumented students became so overwhelming for the administration, that they had to shut down the administration building itself with police surrounding the entrances, not letting a single student into the building.

Here is a clip of the rally:

The rally did become overwhelming to find out if the administration would listen to the students demands; students stood outside screaming and yelling in hopes they would listen and pay attention to their demands. I'm not sure what the end result came out at the end of the day but I'm sure this is the not their last attempt to get their dream center.

Todo en la vida si se puede!!!!

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