Friday, October 31, 2014

Let's Pause for a Minute

One thing you all should know about me is that I make a big deal something that shouldn’t be overlook as a huge thing. I don’t understand the behavior of some people, you know, in one moment they are acting like a big jerk and don’t even know it and the next thing you know they are trying to deny the whole thing. I cannot go into specifics but I did encounter myself in the same situation with an old friend. I don’t want to over analyze it because I really don’t want to get myself hopes that that specific person is changed. I’m just going to go along with it and see what they want. I’m tired of letting people in and turn out they are just using me as an amusement and not for the right reasons, a friendship. I definitely want to be a different person and I cannot let the past ruin the progress that I have made thus far. 

#strong #cantletthepastdefineme 


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