Friday, October 31, 2014

Halloween and it's festivties

October 31 is just another regular day on my calender and don't particular like to celebrate it. In the past I have not been fond of the word Halloween and its connotations. I just believe gives a bad vibe. I must admit as a child I use to dress up and go trolling for candy at people's houses but hey it was fun getting free candy and dressing up as a character that you admire. But now that I've grown up, I see everything at different perspective. Instead of celebrating Halloween, I've learned to celebrate Dia de los Muertos, an event about honoring our loved ones by making an altar honoring them by placing personal items and such. Halloween is simply a day to excuse ourselves from reality and pretend to be something we are not. In a way, it's fun, exciting and enjoyable. This year, I decided to give dress up as Wonderman with a dead mask. Why? Well, instead of just dressing up, I wanted to give it a twist to my costume, so I decided to ask my mom to paint me a skull.
 <--- That's me, my mother is getting better at this face painting thing. I give her props for the amazing skills she has. Anyhow, the whole celebration Halloween is not related to my costume. I just happen to dress up as Wonderman today of all days, it's simply a conquincidence and the mask it's simply a representation for tomorrow's Dia de los Muertos holiday. And plus, the whole Halloween thing involves candy, which is something I don't have, so there. I'm not celebrating Halloween. 

#diadelosmuertos #ilikedressingup 

MH <3

Let's Pause for a Minute

One thing you all should know about me is that I make a big deal something that shouldn’t be overlook as a huge thing. I don’t understand the behavior of some people, you know, in one moment they are acting like a big jerk and don’t even know it and the next thing you know they are trying to deny the whole thing. I cannot go into specifics but I did encounter myself in the same situation with an old friend. I don’t want to over analyze it because I really don’t want to get myself hopes that that specific person is changed. I’m just going to go along with it and see what they want. I’m tired of letting people in and turn out they are just using me as an amusement and not for the right reasons, a friendship. I definitely want to be a different person and I cannot let the past ruin the progress that I have made thus far. 

#strong #cantletthepastdefineme 


Wednesday, October 15, 2014

What Happened to Me?

Prior to writing this post, I thought hard about the topic that I should write about, but the was that I could not think of anything. Which made me realize, what have I been writing about these past years? So, I took a look at my previous blogs and after reading several posts I realized that it was my pointless drama in school. Dumb? I know right, I could not believe I wrote such things; and now that I have read them I feel I should delete each post. What's the point of having those posts, if it's only a reminder of my past and who wants that? Back then I wrote to let out how I felt in hopes I would feel better and it did. But now that time has passed, my previous posts and/or blogs don't serve me any good. Now what? I ask myself this question several times, now that I'm not longer in connection with school what am I suppose to write about? What happen to me? I guess the answer to this question is that I grew up. I'm glad that I'm no longer that person. I'm still in the fence but I know having God in life will guide me to the right path. I hope I will find my way soon and I hope to write about interesting and important things instead of my pointless drama.

Good Night. - MH