Monday, August 5, 2013

It's her turn now

As my undergrad career is coming to an end, my little sister's is just beginning. Today is her SOAR orientation here on campus (CSULB) and as she was registering this morning, I just couldn't believe that the little girl I use to pick on is all grown up. It's sad how the years go by, I actually remember when my mother had brought her back from the hospital after two weeks she was born. I was so excited and blessed that I was going to be her big sister. Perhaps we may have our little arguments and sometimes she may get in my nerves I still love this little girl. She may not be a little girl anymore but for she will always be my little sister. I love her each day and I'm blessed to have her in my life. Until this day, every decision she makes I give her 110% support, perhaps sometimes I may disagree with the decisions she makes but who am I to judge her right? I'm sad but at the same time I'm happy that she's here; I want to let her know that I'm proud of her and I'm always going to be here for her. There are no words how I feel right now. As she was walking away to her orientation, tears of joy were dripping from my face, I just cannot believe she's here in college. I saw myself in her 6 years ago when it was me who was standing there. I hope her college experience is a great one and hopefully she get out of her comfort zone and go nuts. Well not crazy but you know, be outgoing and just have fun. I know her and sometimes I worry she will be like me, shut down and won't be take advantage of what college has lined up for her. 

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