Thursday, July 24, 2014

A Day to Reflect

A walk in the park is all I need to think things through.
by Margarita H.

Today I spent most of day walking with my sister at South Gate Park, located by Tweedy Blvd and Atlantic Blvd in the city of South Gate. As I walked through these paths throughout the park, I thought about a lot of things; things that have been on mind but too afraid to speak out. Finally today I was able to walk and reflect. I have been in denial for months and I'm too scared to move on with my life. As I listen to my music, I thought to myself, is this how my life is going to be like... just consistently postponing for better opportunities? I'm not unsure where my life is taking me at this point but I hope somewhere that I could help people. But anyhow, this walk in the park with my sister help me just to clear my thoughts and relax even in the under the heat.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Cannot Go Back

This past weekend I went out to celebrate my friend's Stephanie's Birthday at Pasadena along with other friends. I told myself that I was not going to consume any drinks but somehow my friends convinced me. I know I should be pressure or anything I just didn't want to be the party popper so I gave in only one glass of wine. Throughout the night I thought to myself, I can't go back to the girl who I used to be, those days in the club and drinking, ever since the party of 2011 I promised myself I was not going to given in that type of social events. Since then I've been managing myself a bit controllable when it comes to those types of social events. However, as I endure myself into those social situations I think about when I was that girl, crazy and wild, and YOLO was her motto and think how life was so easy then. Those times were different because I didn't have to worry about anything and life was just wild and free but times have changed. I have graduated college and now I have into think seriously about starting a new chapter of my life. The episode of Friday night is one that I don't want to repeat again, well not anytime soon anyways. I must confess that I did enjoy myself in that setting again but I wish  I would have handled it differently. I decided to write this post not the sake of how I'm thinking but also thinking about the foolish girl who I used to be. Guys. I think I have a bit matured regarding to guys, ever since the thing with my guy friends I haven't been putting myself out there. I guess that is because I just don't want to get hurt right now. I want to focus on getting myself settle and nothing else should matter. I've been out of school for months and I haven't found anything. The whole situation dating will come on it's own. I don't want to go back to my old self, I want to prove myself that I have change...


Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Healthy Me

Yesterday, I decided to make a change in how I live my life, in the last couple of months I have been stuck at the house, literally I would just sit in front of the computer or watching TV eating what I saw lying around. It's sad to say that I have gain 35 pounds in the last few months. I'm not proud of myself, I only blame myself but I have not done anything in my life. But that's about to change, I know it's going to be a big change and it's not going to be easy but I'm willing to give it all to change. I cannot keep living like this especially if I don't feel good about myself. I know I  could do this, I just need to keep myself motivated and don't quit.

Wish me luck.

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